Community Engagement Plan - Geothermal HVAC Project
Introduction: Karval Schools is evaluating facility improvements to our antiquated and failing HVAC systems. This document will provide the community with project information regarding project goals, how additional information will be communicated, how impactful decisions will be made and how the project will be funded and carried out. If any community member would like additional information regarding this project please direct all communication to Sarah Nuss, District Superintendent at sarah.nuss@ksdre23.org.
Goals: The goals of the project are:
Replace our failing HVAC system with a new high-efficiency system that will function for 20+ years.
Address the lack of ventilation air currently being provided to the building.
Minimize energy and maintenance costs to operate these systems.
Meet the Colorado public building performance standards.
Communication Methods: The District will post updates on the website and school app to keep the community informed as the project progresses.
Decision Making: Until now, the school board and district superintendent have been the primary decision-makers for the district. As the project progresses from schematic design to design development, the district will assemble a project committee made up of interested parents, teachers, and other community members. If you are interested in joining this committee, please reach out to Sarah Nuss.
Project Funding: Just recently, the district was awarded a $250,000 grant through the Public Building Electrification Grant made possible by the Colorado Energy Office (CEO). The District is also pursuing the Geothermal Energy Grant Program also funded by CEO, a BEST grant provided by the Colorado Department of Education and tax credits through the Federal Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Combining these grants and matching funds as required, the District believes these desperately needed projects may be able to be completed without the need for a voter-approved mill levy override or bond.
Project Schedule: Currently, due to the timing of the identified grants, heavy construction is planned to take place in the summer of 2026. Before beginning construction, the District will work with all community services that use the building to limit the impact to extracurricular activities and other uses of the school facility.